
Should be able to have
a CAMP experience,
enjoy the outdoors and have fun!


Giving donations is a way you can make an impact for everyone.


Great ways to get your club or organization on board to help LBLC and create a memory or appreciation

* Click a tab below for more information

Picnic Table

Commemorate your donation with a personalized tribute ADA compliant picnic table displayed throughout our campus.

Make Donation Here

Banner Patch

The Lions Banner Patch Program is for Lions Clubs who have financially supported Lions Bear Lake Camp and its programming with a minimum of $50.00 during a fiscal year.

Plain Banner Patch designates $50 to $499 donation.

Silver Banner Patch designates $500 to $999 donation.

Gold Banner Patch designates $1000 or more donation.

Make Donation Here


Commemorate your donation with a personalized tribute bench displayed throughout our campus. $2000 with up to 3 lines

Make Donation Here

Al Kassin Fellowship Award

The Lions Bear Lake Camp Al Kassin Fellowship is a prestigious recognition dedicated to individuals and organizations whose steadfast commitment aligns with the camp's mission of fostering positive change and creating meaningful experiences for campers. The fellowship is open to Lions, Lions Clubs, Lions Districts, Individuals, Businesses, and offers a special category for Posthumous Recognition. The following criteria outline the eligibility and requirements for this prestigious award.


1. Lions: Members of Lions International who have demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to Lions Bear Lake Camp.
2. Lions Club: Recognizes Lions Clubs that have made significant contributions to the betterment of Lions Bear Lake Camp through community service and humanitarian efforts.
3. Lions Districts: Honors Lions District that have excelled in promoting the values and missions that align with those of Lions Bear Lake Camp.
4. Individuals: Outstanding individuals who have played a pivotal role in fostering positive change and promoting the mission of Lions Bear Lake Camp.
5. Businesses: Companies that have actively engaged in community development and corporate social responsibility, contributing significantly to the well-being of their community and Lions Bear Lake Camp.
6. Posthumous Recognition: Pays tribute to individuals who, even in their absence, have left a lasting impact through their dedication to Lions Bear Lake Camp.

Contribution Requirements:

•A minimum contribution of $1000.00 is required for each fellowship.
•Contributions may be funded by one or more individuals or groups.
•Funding may cover up to three consecutive years of fellowship support.
•Fellowships will not be officially awarded until the full contribution has been received.

Recognition Package:

•Each fellowship recipient will receive one desktop acrylic award as a tangible symbol of their exceptional service and humanitarian support.
•A special fellowship pin will also be awarded to recipients, serving as a visible token of their commitment and impact.

The Lions Bear Lake Camp Al Kassin Fellowship is a means of acknowledging and celebrating the tireless efforts of Lions, Lions Club, Lions Districts, Individuals, and Businesses in creating positive change and making Lions Bear Lake Camp a better place for all. It is an honor bestowed upon those who exemplify the values of service, compassion, and dedication that defines the spirit of Al Kassin and Lions Bear Lake Camp.


Al Kassin 2021
Esther LaMothe 2021
Al Lindsay 2022
Jim Leach Jr. 2022
Nino Messina 2023
Jim Lykins 2024

Deadline for all forms is the 15th of the previous month needed.
(Example: If request is needed for June Presentation, the deadline for application would be May 15).

Esther LaMothe Fellowship Award

The Lions Bear Lake Camp Esther LaMothe Fellowship is a prestigious honor designed to recognize those whose unwavering commitment to community welfare and innovative youth programs has not only transformed lives but has also become a beacon of inspiration for others. The fellowship is open to Lions, Lions Clubs, Lions Districts, Individuals, Businesses, and offers a special category for Posthumous Recognition. The following criteria outline the eligibility and requirements for this prestigious award.


1. Lions: Members of Lions International who have demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to creating a brighter and more promising future for the generations to come.
2. Lions Club: Recognizes Lions Clubs that have made significant contributions to the betterment of their community and youth programs.
3. Lions Districts: Honors Lions District that have played a pivotal role in fostering positive change and enhancing the quality of life throughout their district.
4. Individuals: Outstanding individuals who have shown exceptional dedication to youth programs and mentorship efforts creating a meaningful impact in their communities.
5. Businesses: Companies that have actively engaged in community development and corporate social responsibility, contributing significantly to the well-being of their community.
6. Posthumous Recognition: Pays tribute to individuals who, even in their absence, have left a lasting legacy on their communities, fostering growth, resilience, and empowerment among the youth.

Contribution Requirements:

• A minimum contribution of $500.00 is required for each fellowship.
•Contributions may be funded by one or more individuals or groups.
•Funding may cover up to three consecutive years of fellowship support.
•Fellowships will not be officially awarded until the full contribution has been received.

Recognition Package:
• Each fellowship recipient will receive one acrylic award as a tangible symbol of their exceptional service and humanitarian support.
• A special fellowship pin will also be awarded to recipients, serving as a visible token of their commitment and impact.

The Lions Bear Lake Camp Esther LaMothe Fellowship is a means of acknowledging and celebrating the tireless efforts of Lions, Lions Club, Lions Districts, Individuals, and Businesses in creating positive change within their communities. It is an honor bestowed upon those who exemplify the values of service, compassion, and dedication that defines the spirit of Esther LaMothe and Lions Bear Lake Camp.

2024- Esther LaMothe PID
2024- Peggy Allen PCC
2024- Barry Allen PCC
2024- Patty Dobbs
2024- Nancy Hill
2024- Carolyn Verbecken

Lions Bear Lake Camp Wish List

*Click tabs below for more information


Duck Paddle Wheeler

The duck is a fun way to diversify your rental fleet or get some smiles on the water. The life size design mimics your traditional rubber ducky. This boat comfortably and safely fits 5 people, with a fully enclosed back bench seat.

Connections, Bear Lake Camp is...

Lions Bear Lake Camp is an independent 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, administered by its Board of Directors. Lions Bear Lake Camp is proud of the relationships and connections we have in the community, a few of which are listed on this page.

Licensed by the State of Michigan


The Michigan Department of Human Services reviews Lions Bear Lake Camp annually, to ensure we are in compliance in the areas of health and safety, site suitability, activities and staffing, among others.

Accredited by the American Camp Association


ACA Accreditation means that the camp you are considering for your child cares enough to undergo a thorough (up to 300 standards) review of its operation - from staff qualifications and training to emergency management. Lions Bear Lake Camp is proud to be accredited by the American Camping Association. Developed exclusively for the camp profession, this nationally-recognized program focuses on program quality, health and safety issues and requires us to review every facet of our operation. Lions Bear Lake Camp has voluntarily submitted to this independent appraisal done by camp experts and has earned this mark of distinction.

Partners with organizations to provide camperships


This is an opportunity for students to apply for funding (up to $250) to attend a summer camp in Michigan. These camperships are open to students with an IEP, in need of financial support, and would otherwise not have an opportunity for a summer camp experience. This scholarship funding is made possible thanks to a collaboration with the Family Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (Family Center).

For more information on the Family Center, please go to or call 800-359-3722.



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3409 N. Five Lakes Road
Lapeer, Mi 48446

Phone: 810-245-0726

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